

Stained glass windows became an important component of church buildings and other opulent structures in the United States during the expansive construction powered by the Industrial Era. Nearly every church building constructed in the nineteenth century has at least some stained glass.

The stained glass of that period has endured nearly two hundred years of exposure to the elements and multiple in situ repairs often performed by the unqualified. These works of art could be lost forever without a comprehensive restoration. It would be heartbreaking to leave future generations void of this wonderful heritage from the past.

The complete restoration of historic stained glass windows must be executed by professional, well trained conservationists. The process is extremely methodical and time consuming, beginning with a complete in situ documentation of all original structure., technique, history, stability, and location details. The windows are carefully removed from the original opening and transported to our studio. We maintain full insurance coverage for in-transit and good owned by others. In the studio, the windows are complete disassembled, and each piece of glass is cleaned and restored without disturbing the original detail. The glass is restored to a new-like condition honoring the intent of the original artist. It is reassembled with new lead came, extending the life of the windows for future generations.

Occasionally, the painted glass piece has experienced too many repairs and cannot be restored. The original paint and technique is examined and a new piece is created. The exposure of pained glass to years of weather, condensation, variance between temperatures, biological processes, and residue from antiquated heating systems can have a devastating effect on the painted detail. The original painted glass should be saved at all costs. The missing detail is painted on clear glass and superimposed over the original.

Non-painted or colored glass can be either replaced with glass matching color, texture, and light transmission or repaired. There are several techniques used to mend broken or cracked glass to maintain the original fabric.
